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Updates and Announcements

Updates and Announcements

Welcome aboard to all of our new Distributors who have joined this past week. As more and more people around the world experience the incredible results of our awesome products and recognize the huge opporunity that our company creates, Rejuvenate Worldwide continues to be one of the fastest growing companies in the industry.

The best part is, we are just getting started. With this much momentum going into the the new year, and ALL the new products that we have rolled out this past year, 2010 is going to be nothing short of explosive.

TODAY is the LAST DAY to Qualify for November RANK ADVANCEMENTS

Since TODAY (Monday November 30) is the last day of the month, its also the LAST DAY to qualify for Rank Advancements. And you have two AWESOME tools to help you get qualified for that next higher rank:

1. The Projected Rank Page lets you see each day how close you are to achieving that next higher rank. Use this page to make sure you are qualified. And if you are one or two customers or distributors short, make sure you work extra hard today to wrap up that qualification and tap into the HUGE Matching Bonuses and Leadership Pools.

1. Your Color Coded Contact Manager allows you to see which of your personally enrolled customers and distributors have an order this month, and which do not. So if you see that one of your Distributors is missing an order this month, be sure to give them a call and encourage them to place their order TODAY so THEY don't miss out on their commissions and to make sure YOU stay qualified.

IMPORTANT: Since today is the last day of the month, if you have not yet placed an order and want to make sure you get your order in to receive your commissions and get your product, be sure to use the One Time Order page and get qualified TODAY.

THURSDAY (December 3) is PAYDAY

Because November ends on a Monday between cutoff days, we need to wait until midnight on Wednesday for the compression to happen before we can accurately calculate monthly commissions. So keep an eye on your My Earnings link on Thursday as ALL commissions including the weekly Fast Starts will also be paid out on Thursday (December 3).

IMPORTANT: Be sure to select your Payment Option that can be found on the My Earnings page. If you choose to get paid by check, you must put in the address that you want your checks sent, and if you want to be paid by our international processor GlobalXChange, you must select the email address where you would like us to send your commissions. We cannot pay you if we don't know how you want to be paid. That means you will not receive commissions until that selection is complete. So be sure you do it BEFORE Thursday. It only takes a few seconds.


Wednesday was another HUGE weekly payday with so many new customers or distributors joining every single day.

Purchase customer model is ROCKIN. You can now purchase actual PAID CUSTOMERS in your organization that will get you paid Fast Start Bonuses, Matrix Pay, Matching Bonuses, and help you qualify for Rank Advancements. Information will be posted on the website this week. In the meantime, you can email support with "I WANT CUSTOMERS" in the subject for purchasing info.

Commissions to Credit account is available in your my Earnings section and is a great way to keep qualified each month.

Lots more exciting news and updates coming soon, so keep up the great work and keep an eye out for more updates.

To the TOP,

01 สิงหาคม 2552

Updates and Announcements 1/08/09

Updates and Announcements
WELCOME ABOARD to all of our new members who have joined this past week. Savings are UP, new member sign ups are UP, and with the economy the way it is, we are seeing more momentum right now than any other company in the industry. There has never been a better time to be involved with ANY company than right NOW with MWP.
The Best Kept Secret in MWP
$25 Restaurant Certificates for only $2
It is always exciting to look at our Savings Leaderboard and see ALL the money our members are saving each and every month. And last month was certainly no exception. With our top savers putting an extra $300 in their pocket just through their savings program alone, it just further proves that there is no company more powerful than MWP.

While the discounts and cash back shopping are great ways to save money each month, probably the BEST KEPT SECRET in MWP is the "OTHER DISCOUNTS" section that you can access through your Save Money page with discounts on everything from jewelry, to auto supplies, to baby supplies, and SO MUCH MORE.

One of those secrets is our Restaurant Certificate Discount. You can purchase $25 certificates to restaurants in YOUR LOCAL AREA for just $10
. But through the END OF THE MONTH ONLY (tomorrow July 31), MWP members can get those EXACT SAME CERTIFICATES FOR ONLY $2.

What that means is buying just ONE $25 value certificate for $2 MORE THAN PAYS FOR YOUR MEMBERSHIP, because you will save $23 from that one purchase alone.

Just another exciting way to save more money with MWP.


Cut off days are one of the key ingredients to making our system the MOST POWERFUL in the industry. Use these days and the sense of urgency that they create to share the great products and opportunity with your prospects and preenrollees and watch your business explode.

Remember, the members who get started on cutoff days are being REWARDED HUGE by being able to leapfrog to the top of the powerline AND have all the preenrollees and members who have been placed below them in their team FOREVER!

Vertical Acceleration Play Plan Gets HUGE Recognition

From our one of a kind product line that puts people in profit just by using the product, to our tools and system that does 95% of the work for you, to a corporate team that is committed to your success, there is not a company in the industry that can compare to MWP.

As powerful and exciting as all of those things are, our unique proprietary compensation plan goes right along with those awesome components. In fact, MWP is the ONLY COMPANY EVER in the industry to now have 25 record breaking months in a row with a higher percentage of people earning a commission than any other company in the industry.

Our Vertical Accelleration pay plan is the ONLY compensation plan in history where you can earn thousands of dollars per month with just one single leg. It also allows you to create massive momentum by leveraging the power of your team to help build fast and for the long term.

It is no surprise that more leaders are joining MWP every single day and creating the income they desire.

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I Stop Recession Compensation


I Stop Recession pays in 5 ways.

This is one of the most comprehensive Compensation plans available anywhere.

That’s amazing earning power for a plan this affordable.

Look what you can make!

5 Ways to Earn Money

Quick Start
Every time you bring in a Personally Sponsored Affiliate (PSA) who buys the FAB forum, you get a cool $2.50. At such a low membership price, just think of how many people will sign up.

You get paid 7% of all sales in your matrix up to and including level 5, and 5% of sales from level 6 to infinity. Some conditions apply. Don’t let the % sign fool you - see the example chart below to discover just how much you can make.

Matching Bonus
A Matching Bonus is money you get when your affiliates make money. It’s like a royalty you receive for work that you have already done. Matching Bonuses are paid to you directly from I STOP RECEDSSION and not taken from your affiliates’ earnings.

You earn cash equal to 10% of the commissions made by your affiliates in Generation One. AND you earn cash equal to 5% of the commissions made by your affiliates in Generations Two to Infinity. Some conditions apply. Don’t let the % sign fool you - see the example chart below to discover just how much you can make.

Once the Matching Bonus seed is planted by positioning an affiliate in your matrix… all you have to do is sit back and watch your earnings grow.
MonthQuick StartCommissionsMatching BonusTotal
These earnings do not reflect the ADDITIONAL EARNINGS you can make with 10 in 7 CASH and Special Allowances.

10 In 7 Cash
Because we believe in this plan and we believe in a job well done we have added what in essence is a Bonus Bonus we call 10 In 7 Cash. It will help motivate you to build your matrix quickly and therefore make money faster.

I Stop Recession will pay you $10 if you bring in 10 affiliates who buy the FAB forum during a one week period from Monday to Sunday. $10 free and clear. Add that to your Quick Start and your Matching Bonus and you can see how fast your earnings will grow.

Special Allowances
As an incentive to building your matrix, I Stop Recession is offering three levels of Special Allowances. You can earn $100 a month to pay for a vacation; $500 a month to pay for a new car; or $1,000 a month toward your mortgage. Some conditions apply.

You Can Earn All This For Only $5.99/month!

You would have to pay 10 times this much with another program to get the kind of value you get with I STOP RECESSION.

Because it costs so little and returns so much, people will join quickly and stay forever.

Your matrix will grow fast and stay full, and that means good money in your bank account now and in the future.

Get More But Pay Less

It’s easy to join, simple to do, and easy to make good money fast.

JUST THINK FOR A MINUTE - where else can you make $2,000 a month(*) by spending only a few hours a week in your home office?


If you’re not convinced – send us an email and tell us why.

* See earning example chart above.

I Will Really Stop Recession

Why You Should Choose I Stop Recession?

Compared to other programs it’s the PERFECT FIT for most people.

While other programs may be too expensive, have a poor product and provide weak returns, I Stop Recession is economical, has a fabulous product, and delivers well above average returns.

You won’t find a program with a better balance between cost and returns anywhere.

Why Did We Choose I Stop Recession?

We created I Stop Recession because we saw a need for a Network Marketing program that was universally affordable but still had the power to return high percentages on investment.

It was specifically designed to allow even the novice Network Marketer to make money quickly and continuously; and to get Special Allowances for performance.


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Updates and Announcements

Wow! Less than one year days into our official launch, over 100,000 customers and distributors in over 100 countries, hundreds of thousands of bottles of incredible products sold, and millions of dollars in commissions paid out to YOU! Those kinds of numbers do NOT happen every day in this industry. In fact many companies don't see that much activity until they have been around for 5 years, if EVER. To see that kind of momentum this early in the game is truly exciting. What is even more exciting is this is still just the BEGINNING. Just imagine what's going to happen when all of our online and offline tools come together, when the website is availble in 10 different languages, when we are hosting training calls multiple times a week, and when even MORE new products become available. With the momentum we have now, numbers are going to explode as we continue to grow for years to come.

Welcome Aboard to all of our new customers and distributors who have joined this past week. It makes us very happy that you share our vision and are seeing the true power of everything we have put together.

On top of the state of the art website, incredible product, and killer compensation plan, the true POWER of our system comes from the importance and VALUE of our Cut Off Days.
Each and every Wednesday night our system places all the people who placed a product order throughout the week into the matrix in the order that they preenrolled in.
That means it is VERY IMPORTANT to let your preenrollees and prospects know that they NEED to upgrade BEFORE midnight tonight so they don't lose out on their positioning in the matrix.
Invite your prospects and join us TONIGHT for our LIVE OVERVIEW CALL

30 พฤษภาคม 2552

Updates and Announcements 25/07/09

Updates and Announcements
The excitement continues as MWP proves to be the most popular company in the home based business industry.

With more and more value being added each and every week to give YOU everything you need to maximize your savings AND your earnings, we are 100% committed to the success of each and every one of our valuable members.

MWP was built to FINALLY give the average person a way to succeed in this great industry without having to spend all their time or money to get those results. It's very humbling and exciting to see how many people share our vision and our passion for making that happen and truly recognize the true opportunity that MWP brings to the world.

From brand new people who have never been involved in this industry before, to seasoned veterans who have earned millions, each and every day more and more people are finding MWP to be THE company they have been looking for.

And gang, with this much momentum happening over the summer combined with some of the BIG SURPRISES we have coming for you in September, your timing could not be more perfect!

With everything that is happening in the home based business industry right now AND around the world, there has never been a better time or place to be involved with a company than right NOW with MWP.
Training Tip of the Week!
As 5 Star Leader Nick Khazan reminds us, in the network marketing industry THE BEST TRAINED TEAM WINS. Recognizing that, we are going to be emailing you weekly tips and training to give you more tools and strategies to help you take your business to the next level.
This week's tip: How to recruit other network marketers
Every year millions of people join the home based business industry for one main reason ... to make more money. While everyone has different goals and reasons for getting involved in a home business, the one thing that they share is they want the easiest way to make the most amount of money with the least amount of effort. And there is nothing wrong with that. I mean if you could make $100,000 in 10 hours a week with just a $19.95 per month buy in, you would much rather do that than having to work 40 hours a week and spend $150 a month to do the same thing, right? Of course.
And one of the best things about the network marketing industry is the training that people receive. Training on how to build a team, how to recruit others, how to build confidence, communication skills, etc. This training is VERY valuable to help people achieve success.
Recognizing the value of that powerful training, it's great to have trained networkers join your team as they already have an understanding and belief in the industry, which gives them a great head start in building a team.
So how do you recruit networkers if they are already excited about their business. With MWP, it's EASY. Here's why. Our product is something that EVERYBODY NEEDS, whether they are involved in the business or not. Plus, with such a low price point, huge sense of urgency, and incredible compensation plan, it also provides people an easy and powerful way to make money.
So, while approaching networkers, the BEST approach is not to try to compare the benefits of MWP against their current company. YES, our benefits FAR outweigh those of any other company, however telling a person this could put them on the defensive in which case the wall comes up and their interest level goes down.
By saying positive things about their company, they are much more likely to listen to your ideas and suggestions.
So here's what you say "It sounds like you are very excited about your business and I can tell you are going to be very successful..." then ask them "Do you ever have people who can't afford to get started in your program because they don't have enough money?"
See most opportunities are much more expensive to join than MWP. And people know that the number one reason that people don't join their program is because they can't afford it. So by offering them a way to give their prospects a lower cost option and STILL make money on them instead of losing out on them completely is something that almost ALL networkers are open to AND excited about.
So here's the approach I take after I've asked if they lose people because of the money issue. I say "I'll tell ya what. Our program is only $19.95 per month and it's a product that EVERYBODY NEEDS and doesn't compete with what you're doing at all. Here's what you should do. Keep rockin' with your current program as you are very excited about it and doing very well with it. But take a position over here and for the people who can't afford to join your program, let them know that you have another program that costs less to get into. That way, at least you will make some money on them, PLUS you can help THEM make enough money so that they can join YOUR program and make you even more! And, hey, if you make a couple extra thousand dollars a month on the side from our pay plan, that wouldn't be bad either, now would it?"
That approach WORKS. It's happy, it's positive, you didn't say ANYTHING negative about their company, and they are excited to join you. AND the best part is, once they join MWP and see how EASY it is to build a business, their focus soon starts to shift and now MWP becomes their primary program while the original company they were so excited about seems to fade out.
So don't hesitate to talk to networkers. Just because they are involved in a program and happy about it does not mean they are not open to hearing your suggestions. So remember, keep the conversation happy, compliment them often, and watch what happens!

DAILY Training Calls Are Helping Members Earn Even FASTER

Don't Miss Our Next LIVE Call:
Sat 25-July-2009 10 am PST (1pm EST)

Our DAILY training calls are designed to help YOU MAXIMIZE your savings AND your earnings. Be sure to join us each day as our leaders will teach you all the tools and strategies to launch your business right and get results FAST.

Monday 12pm PST (3pm EST):
Open Forum Question and Answer Call with Top Leaders

Monday 6pm PST (9pm EST):
How to Maximize Your Savings

Tuesday 12pm PST (3pm EST):
Open Forum Question and Answer Call with Top Leaders

Tuesday 6pm PST (9pm EST):
How to Get HUGE Results with Tell a Friend

First Wednesday of Each Month 6pm PST (9pm EST):
Monthly Leadership and Announcement Call

Thursday 6pm PST (9pm EST):
Weekly Cut Off Decision Call

Saturday 10am PST (1pm EST):
Get Started Fast Training Call

The call in number for all calls is 641 594 7500 pin: 564837#

All calls are hosted by top company leaders and will help you and your team build more momentum than ever before!

Remember: The most successful members in MyWorldPLUS make a commitment to listen to every call for their first 30 days in the business. Be sure to join us and learn how YOU can become our next great success story!
Keep an eye out for lots more updates as we approach the hottest time of the year in this industry. If you think we are growing fast now, just wait to see how much momentum we see starting in September. It's going to be FUN.

Tonight is a VERY exciting night for all of our MWP Members and Preenrollees. Like every Thursday, it marks our newest CLOSE OUT DAY.

What does that mean?

Every Thursday of every month at MIDNIGHT pacific time, our system looks to see all the preenrollees who have locked in their position by placing their product order to become members. Those people are then automatically moved to the TOP of the powerline that they are in ABOVE all the people who did not take action.

That means, its critical that you let your preenrollees know what they stand to lose by not taking action TODAY!

As soon as even one person in your powerline upgrades to member through the system, ALL of the people above that person in the powerline are notified to let them know that they MUST lock in their position in order to get paid on the person(s) below them, otherwise that person who upgraded is going to move above them and they will lose out on them forever!

Our system is designed to do everything it can to help YOU succeed. In fact, the MyWorldPlus system sends TWO emails to ALL of your preenrollees today to invite them to listen to our LIVE OVERVIEW CALL. BUT, it is still VERY IMPORTANT that you CALL THEM personally and invite them as well.

Join us TONIGHT for our LIVE overview call to find out EVERYTHING about our awesome products and opportunity:

Updates and Announcements

We hope everyone is having an AWESOME week as BIG things continue to happen with MWP. Congratulations to all of our incredible leaders who continue to lead the way and welcome aboard to all of our new members who have joined this past week.

With everything that is happening in the home based business industry right now AND around the world, there has never been a better time or place to be involved with a company than right NOW with MWP.

Last Day to Qualify for June Rank Advancements!

TODAY (June 30) is the LAST DAY of the month, which means it's the last day to qualify for Rank Advancements.

Remember, while everyone qualifies to get paid on 5 levels in your genealogy, achieving rank can help you earn even MORE! Your rank (1 Star to 5 Star) determines your infinity bonuses, generational bonuses, AND monthly bonus pools. So be sure to check out your Projected Rank link in your control panel and if you are just one or two members short of that next higher rank, be sure to put in the extra effort today to get that qualification!


Because June ends on a Tuesday between cutoff dates, we need to wait until midnight on Thursday night for the compression to happen before we can accurately calculate monthly commissions. So keep an eye on your My Earnings link next Thursday as ALL weekly AND monthly commissions will also be paid. With this months new volume, it'll be a VERY exciting pay run.

Training Tip of the Week!
Last month's leadership call talked about how to maximize your contacts by building a list and following up!

The most important thing you need to recognize when talking to people about an opportunity, is that it's all about timing. If the timing is right for them, they will get involved. If it's not, they won't...at least not right now. The point is, just because the timing isn't right for someone right NOW, doesn't mean it won't be right forever.
So when someone says "no" to you or doesn't join your team, that doesn't mean they are saying "no" forever. It just means they are saying "no" right now.
The most successful leaders in the industry are the ones that recognize this fact and follow up with people by asking simple questions like "would it be ok if I gave you a call in a month or two to see how things are looking for you then?" or sending them emails to the same effect.
By keeping in contact with people and continuing to build those relationships, you will see your business explode and people who you talked to 3 weeks ago, 3 months ago, and in some cases, even 3 years ago, will be joining your business and taking you one step closer to achieving your goals!
So build your list, stay in contact, and FOLLOW UP!

$25 Restaurant Certificates for only $3
It is always exciting to look at our Savings Leaderboard and see ALL the money our members are saving each and every month. And last month was certainly no exception. With our top savers putting an extra $300 in their pocket just through their savings program alone, it just further proves that there is no company more powerful than MWP.

While the discounts and cash back shopping are great ways to save money each month, probably the BEST KEPT SECRET in MWP is the "OTHER DISCOUNTS" section that you can access through your Save Money page with discounts on everything from jewelry, to auto supplies, to baby supplies, and SO MUCH MORE.

One of those secrets is our Restaurant Certificate Discount. You can purchase $25 certificates to restaurants in YOUR LOCAL AREA for just $10
. But through TODAY ONLY, MWP members can get those EXACT SAME CERTIFICATES FOR ONLY $3.

What that means is buying just ONE $25 value certificate for $3 MORE THAN PAYS FOR YOUR MEMBERSHIP, because you will save $22 from that one purchase alone.

Just another exciting way to save more money with MWP.

But remember, this offer is only good through the end of the month, so buy yours TODAY!


While monthly checks will go out next Thursday, THIS Thursday is the FIRST cutoff day of JULY. So let's start off the summer right and pack the call with some BIG numbers.

Things are heating up BIG TIME with MWP. Keep up the great work and get ready for the EXPLOSION.

Our May Ageless Promotion has sent momentum through the roof! More and more new distributors are joining every single day and many previous customers and distributors are coming back to Rejuvenate Worldwide to claim their free bottle of Ageless making this our BIGGEST MONTH IN HISTORY.

Congratulations and Welcome Aboard to all of our new Distributors who have joined this past week. BIG things are happening with Rejuvenate Worldwide. You truly could not have picked a better time to get involved.

Just 4 Days Left to Get a Free Bottle of Ageless

As we've grown over the past 9 months since our official launch on September 1, 2008, we have now had over 100,000 customers and distributors join our team. Those numbers are truly exciting and they continue to grow each and every day.

We also recognize that because of our HUGE international growth, we have overcome some challenges that most companies take years to solve. Our shipping is now fast and smooth. New distribution centers are being opened worldwide. And more people from around the world are experiencing the life changing results of our great products and opportunity.

Now that our products are officially registered in countries around the globe and our new distribution centers are opened in Germany and Thailand, the majority of those challenges are behind us. And with another HUGE piece of the puzzle being filled THIS MONTH as we now OFFICIALLY open Russia, our growth is going to grow even bigger as the world sees that Rejuvenate Worldwide truly is the company they have grown to know and love.

And to fuel momentum even more and to encourage some customers we may have lost to come back to Rejuvenate Worldwide, we are offering:


That means for any of your previous customers who may have missed an order the last few months, now you can tell them that they will get an extra bottle of Ageless just for placing an order in May.

And for ALL of the people around the world who have loved our incredible highest quality products since the beginning, we want to thank you by offering you a bottle of Agless on us. We know you'll enjoy it.

So use this promotion to get even MORE volume in your organization and build your commissions up HUGE.

Free Bottles of Ageless are going out AUTOMATICALLY with each order of 50bv or more. You don't need to do anything but enjoy our free gift for being a part of Rejuvenate Worldwide!

Promotion is limited to one free bottle per person.

Last Cutoff Day of the Month

Cut off days are one of the key ingredients to making our system the MOST POWERFUL in the industry. Use these days and the sense of urgency that they create to share the great products and opportunity with your prospects and preenrollees and watch your business explode.

Remember, the distributors who get started on cutoff days are rewarded by being placed in the matrix before all the people who join after them.

That also means that TODAY is the last cutoff day to help you achieve the next highest rank for this months qualifications. So if you are one or two distributors short of that next higher rank, be sure to use todays momentum to wrap up that rank and maximize your earnings!


Invite your prospects and join us TONIGHT for our LIVE OVERVIEW CALL
The call starts at 6:00 pm pst/ 7:00 pm mst/
8:00 pm cst/9:00 pm est.

TONIGHT (Wednesday May 27, 2009)

Dial 319 279 1000 pin 1053940#
* Be sure to dial in a few minutes early to make sure you get on the call. It will be SOLD OUT


Because May ends on Sunday between cutoff days, we need to wait until midnight on Wednesday for the compression to happen before we can accurately calculate monthly commissions. So keep an eye on your My Earnings link next Thursday as ALL commissions including the weekly Fast Starts will also be paid out on Thursday (June 4).

IMPORTANT: Be sure to select your Payment Option that can be found on the My Earnings page. If you choose to get paid by check, you must put in the address that you want your checks sent, and if you want to be paid by our international processor GlobalXChange, you must select the email address where you would like us to send your commissions. We cannot pay you if we don't know how you want to be paid. That means you will not receive commissions until that selection is complete. So be sure you do it BEFORE Thursday. It only takes a few seconds.


As you may have noticed, each and every day more and more valuable tools and information is being added to our system to give you EVERYTHING you need to succeed.

Even more exciting announcements are coming soon, so keep an eye on the website and on emails to take your business to the NEXT LEVEL!