17 พฤษภาคม 2552

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Updates and Announcements

Welcome aboard to all of our new Customers and Distributors who joined this week. Momentum continues to grow around the world as more and more people recogize the value and superior quality of both our incredible products and business opportunity.

Congratulations to everyone for being a part of Rejuvenate Worldwide as we continue to break away from the pack as the true LEADER in the home based business industry.


In less than 9 months since our official launch, we now have customers and distributors in over 150 countries around the world. I do not know of ANY other company in the industry who can say that!

In those 9 months, many groups in many countries have started to build HUGE organizations and bring in thousands of new customers and distributors. Recognizing that growth, we first opened our German distribution center with full licensing and registration. Shortly after, we opened Thailand. And NOW we are very proud to say that RUSSIA IS OFFICIALLY OPENED!

Many network marketing companies who attempt to open international markets take years and years before anything finally happens. With our committment to giving YOU the BEST products and opportunity available ANYWHERE, we hired the TOP legal teams around the world to get us registered so that YOU can build a HUGE seamless organization worldwide faster and easier than you could with ANY other company in the industry.

Congratulations to our Russian team for all of their hard work and dedication. This is just the beginning of something very special!

Free Bottle of Ageless Promotion is Well Under Way!

As we've grown over the past 9 months since our official launch on September 1, 2008, we have now had over 100,000 customers and distributors join our team. Those numbers are truly exciting and they continue to grow each and every day.

We also recognize that because of our HUGE international growth, we have overcome some challenges that most companies take years to solve. Our shipping is now fast and smooth. New distribution centers are being opened worldwide. And more people from around the world are experiencing the life changing results of our great products and opportunity.

Now that our products are officially registered in countries around the globe and our new distribution centers are opened in Germany and Thailand, the majority of those challenges are behind us. And with another HUGE piece of the puzzle being filled THIS MONTH as we now OFFICIALLY open Russia, our growth is going to grow even bigger as the world sees that Rejuvenate Worldwide truly is the company they have grown to know and love.

And to fuel momentum even more and to encourage some customers we may have lost to come back to Rejuvenate Worldwide, we are offering:


That means for any of your previous customers who may have missed an order the last few months, now you can tell them that they will get an extra bottle of Ageless just for placing an order in May.

And for ALL of the people around the world who have loved our incredible highest quality products since the beginning, we want to thank you by offering you a bottle of Agless on us. We know you'll enjoy it.

So use this promotion to get even MORE volume in your organization and build your commissions up HUGE.

Free Bottles of Ageless are going out AUTOMATICALLY with each order of 50bv or more. You don't need to do anything but enjoy our free gift for being a part of Rejuvenate Worldwide!