Updates and Announcements
Welcome aboard to all of our new Distributors who have joined this past week. As more and more people around the world experience the incredible results of our awesome products and recognize the huge opporunity that our company creates, Rejuvenate Worldwide continues to be one of the fastest growing companies in the industry.
The best part is, we are just getting started. With this much momentum going into the the new year, and ALL the new products that we have rolled out this past year, 2010 is going to be nothing short of explosive.
TODAY is the LAST DAY to Qualify for November RANK ADVANCEMENTS
Since TODAY (Monday November 30) is the last day of the month, its also the LAST DAY to qualify for Rank Advancements. And you have two AWESOME tools to help you get qualified for that next higher rank: 1. Your Color Coded Contact Manager allows you to see which of your personally enrolled customers and distributors have an order this month, and which do not. So if you see that one of your Distributors is missing an order this month, be sure to give them a call and encourage them to place their order TODAY so THEY don't miss out on their commissions and to make sure YOU stay qualified. IMPORTANT: Since today is the last day of the month, if you have not yet placed an order and want to make sure you get your order in to receive your commissions and get your product, be sure to use the One Time Order page and get qualified TODAY.
1. The Projected Rank Page lets you see each day how close you are to achieving that next higher rank. Use this page to make sure you are qualified. And if you are one or two customers or distributors short, make sure you work extra hard today to wrap up that qualification and tap into the HUGE Matching Bonuses and Leadership Pools.
THURSDAY (December 3) is PAYDAY
Because November ends on a Monday between cutoff days, we need to wait until midnight on Wednesday for the compression to happen before we can accurately calculate monthly commissions. So keep an eye on your My Earnings link on Thursday as ALL commissions including the weekly Fast Starts will also be paid out on Thursday (December 3).
IMPORTANT: Be sure to select your Payment Option that can be found on the My Earnings page. If you choose to get paid by check, you must put in the address that you want your checks sent, and if you want to be paid by our international processor GlobalXChange, you must select the email address where you would like us to send your commissions. We cannot pay you if we don't know how you want to be paid. That means you will not receive commissions until that selection is complete. So be sure you do it BEFORE Thursday. It only takes a few seconds.
Wednesday was another HUGE weekly payday with so many new customers or distributors joining every single day.
Purchase customer model is ROCKIN. You can now purchase actual PAID CUSTOMERS in your organization that will get you paid Fast Start Bonuses, Matrix Pay, Matching Bonuses, and help you qualify for Rank Advancements. Information will be posted on the website this week. In the meantime, you can email support with "I WANT CUSTOMERS" in the subject for purchasing info.
Commissions to Credit account is available in your my Earnings section and is a great way to keep qualified each month.
Lots more exciting news and updates coming soon, so keep up the great work and keep an eye out for more updates.
To the TOP,